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The Research Of Some Knotty Problems Of Abuse Of Power

Posted on:2013-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is divided into five parts.Firsty,the author introduces the origin and meaning of the crime ofabuse power,and gains the definition of the crime of abuse power bycomparison.The second part to the fourth part, combining with some difficultiesin judicial practice and different opinions, the thesis analyzes thecharactors of non-material damage results,the subject of the crime andthe subjective aspect. The thesis puts forward the suggestions for solvingthe difficulties in justical practice and discusses the essential charactors ofthe subject of the abuse power and puts forward the reason that themembers of the grass-roots organizations in rural areas can become thesubject of the crime of abuse power. Besides,the author also proves thatthe subjuctivity of the crime is purposely.In the fifth part,the author introduces that how the the bribery crimeof abuse power be punished. By analyzing and refuting several existingmainstream viewpoints, the author explains the point of view and putsforward that it should be punished for several crimes.
Keywords/Search Tags:damage results, subject, form of crime, crimenumber recognition
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