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Merger And Acquisition (M&A) In National Security Censorship Research

Posted on:2012-09-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338464897Subject:International Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In Carlyle M&a Xugong case, and Coca-Cola M&a Huiyuan case,it is said that foreign mergers Chinese enterprises caused great concern. From these kinds of cases, people began to focus on the Construction for National Security Censorship. On one hand, M&a plays an important role in Chinese economic development. On the other hand it also brings some negative effects, especially in recent years. The more ways for foreign capital to merger Chinese companies as the increasingly free market opened, the more serious highlight problems we have. Today is a new open era for China to combining with the development of the world. It is impossible for us to completely control merger behaviour.Take the experience from foreign or our country as good example, no control and restrictions on merger behaviour will definitely affect our national security in different aspects. We should continue allowed foreign capital to help our country to increase economy, while we still need to take reasonable steps to prevent merger behaviours to threat our national security.In March 2011, States Commerce Ministry had just issued Interim Provision for National Security Censorship, which is shown that our country pay more attention for the Construction on National Security System. However, compared with the mature system in foreign country, it is far enough to publish such a regulation. Though the discussing about some basic theory, this essay is trying to clearly define some concept on foreign capital behaviour in national security system. Thereby preparing the foundation for the further research. On the contrast the advanced foreign system to the existing system in China, it can be useful to find the shortage in our country. Combining the reality in China and experience in foreign countries,the essay proposal some specific advice for the examination system of construction. The first chapter mainly analysis some related theory about National Security Censorship. At first, the essay will make clear of definition about foreign investment, merger, national security, security censorship and other things. Then, the paper will discuss the harmful effects of foreign capital merger behaviour for our country's safe. It is shown that we the importance to establish of National Security Censorship.The second chapter bases on the analysis of the United States' and the European Union's security system. Though the history of the development process of the security review system in both area,we can get some valuable experience. From the subject and procedures in both review process, we can understand the detail contents of the security review system. These foreign experience and the perfect system will help us to construction our country's security censorship.The third part is the analysis about our country's censorship system.First, this paper analyse the present situation of National Security Censorship in China.From the introduces of background of security review system, it will discuss the legal system between our country's to foreign capital country's. To the new rules of the national security system, the last part of this chapter will briefly elucidate the three countries' law. By examining the security of our country's censorship system, and the shortcoming in China, this paper hopes to add new idea for our country.The fourth part will propose some advices to perfect our country's security system in foreign capital merger behaviour. Based on the earlier chapters about our country's basic situation and defects, the paper will put forward some suggestions. Through the establishment system of foreign capital merger behaviour, this paper hopes to provide premise on construction of our country's censorship to improve our national strength. Finally, it will give some advices on how to make progress on security censorship system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Foreign capital, M&a, National security, Security censorship
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