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Concerning The Construction Of Rule Of Law In Our Country Government Model Selection

Posted on:2012-01-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330338456017Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The construction of government under the rule of law in China has made a great progress; meanwhile, it also faces many difficulties and problems. The course of building the government by law and the way of promoting this legal state both indicate that, the Chinese government has adopted the executive-led mode in the progress of constructing government under the rule of law. However, the executive-led mode lacks of adequate external supervision and other defects, so it is difficult to put the government legal system construction into the next step to achieve greater effectiveness. At the same time, the parliament-directed mode and the natural evolution mode still do not have the practical feasibility in our country.The rise of public governance calls for new types of governance modes, such as diversification, democratization, and collaboration. Therefore, those needs require the government to transform its role from "domination" to "governance" in order to achieve the society's "good governance." This transformation offers us many useful lessons when we are building the government under the rule of law. The executive-led mode should be shifting into a new syntaxic mode, which includes "Party leadership, NPC guide, government implemented, multi-monitoring, and public participation"The new syntaxic mode for the government construction by law not only absorbed the advantages of executive-led mode, parliament-directed mode, and the natural evolution mode; but also avoided the shortcomings of these three modes. Syntaxic mode emphasized the Party's leadership role, which is conducive to fully mobilize all forces to participate in the construction of government under the rule of law. It also emphasized the guiding role of the NPC, which is conducive to compensate for the lack of legitimacy of the executive-led mode. Moreover, this mode emphasized that the government is the implementation principal part for the legal state construction. This is key point of the government's responsibility to maintain their participation in the legal state construction, and to keep their enthusiasm and initiative. Finally, the new syntaxic mode emphasized the CPPCC, the judiciary institution, and other institutions'role of supervision. This is conducive to the formation of the government construction supervision system. Besides, this syntaxic mode also highlighted the important role of public participation.In short, the syntaxic mode is a more reasonable choice for establishing the government under the rule of law since it is accordant with China's political system and current national conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:government under the rule of law, public governance, single mode, syntaxic mode
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