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Information Hegemony Of The United States And China Network Information Strategy

Posted on:2012-10-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q R HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330335485488Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There has been a great change in the information exchange mode because of the internet technology revolution, which also makes the information more important in international relations. The United States, the inventor of Internet, is advanced in information technology. That is the solid foundation to achieve America's information hegemonic strategy. As to the origin of America's hegemonic culture, it is the national superiority that leads Americans to promote their democratic values among other nations. The internet is a brand new strategic stage for the United States to achieve its information hegemony. Therefore, being positive in acting the role of regulation-maker, the United States would like to control the future of the cyber world by regulating it. The interaction on the internet information between China and the United States enjoys stable development recently. However, the conflicts in cyber still exist, such as the Google's exit from China, Clinton's remarks on internet freedom, Apple's tracking issue and so on. Obviously internet has already become America's major strategic tool to push Chinese government. On the one hand, the United States politicalizes the cyber issues and carries out cyber diplomacy to impose pressure on China. On the other hand, the United States inculcates its value system to China and steals key information by its technological advantages, which has threatened China's national information security. The paper analyzes America's internet information strategy in three aspects, the power, the intention and the regulation. Then it makes case study on the challenges that the United States brings to China. Based on the current internet situation, it will give some policy recommendation to confront America's information strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:information hegemony, internet strategy, cyber diplomacy, information security
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