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The Effectiveness Of The System Of International Climate Cooperation

Posted on:2012-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2216330335485456Subject:International relations
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Climate change issues are increasingly concerned.From international meetings discussing climate issues to formation of a legally binding International Climate Cooperation System,global climate cooperation has made a great progress and experienced great difficulties as well.But it is not clear that whether International Climate Cooperation System is effective, how efficient it is and what aspects of it are effective.Through building the measure framework of effectiveness standards of International Regime,this paper tests the effectiveness of International Climate Cooperation System,analyses the effectiveness,utility degree and influencing factors of International Climate Cooperation System under the existing UN framework ,and provides to some extent the guiding direction for the effectiveness of International Climate Cooperation System in post-Kyoto era.Through operationalization of the effectiveness of International Regime, construction of framework of effectiveness standards of International Regime, namely, legitimacy, efficiency and fairness of International Regime, we can measure the effectiveness of International Regime.We can come to the following conclusion:Firstly, International Climate Cooperation System is the only way to solve climate issues.Secondly, the legitimacy and fairness of International Climate Cooperation System are higher, but efficiency is lower, so the effectiveness of International Climate Cooperation System is lower.Thirdly, influencing factors of the effectiveness of International Climate Cooperation System include concrete and deep factors.Finally, the future of International Climate Cooperation System is inconclusive, and the effectiveness of International Climate Cooperation System in post-Kyoto era is mainly characterized by continuation and improvement of International Climate Cooperation System.
Keywords/Search Tags:Climate issues, International Climate Cooperation System, effectiveness of International Regime, Legitimacy, Fairness
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