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Yunnan Folk Music, Modern Changes

Posted on:2013-01-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374959856Subject:National culture industry
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the dominant features of national culture in the very outer symbol system, folk music is one of the ways of expressing the deep significance and Structure of national culture. In traditional society Folk music is closely related to the production and living of the national subject, directly internalized in people's mode of production, the relationship between lifestyle, religious beliefs and social organizations. As the tool of communication with the gods and the nature, folk music performance more and more for the functional significance of the arts. The process of entering the modern society, the living environment of the folk music has undergone a shift in traditional culture by a single, closed community, and then into the multiple construction of modern Chinese cultural environment. In this process, the various elements of the traditional folk music in the event of changes. Traditional society, the ethnic music were created and interpretated by ethnic internal collective, and they belong to the national subject. In modern society, where cultural boundaries is digested, the diverse and complex external forces continue to participate in the creation and heritage of folk music, forming relatively Mixing heritage groups. National governments, cultural producers, as well as national subjects the moment of growing prosperity of cultural needs and cultural tourism, folk music as a cultural resource will be used. Thus, the existence of traditional folk music forms have also occurred a change in order to mixing into the modern society, a few of the music integrate into public life bit by bit, and some are recreated by artists, and thus onto the stage to become true sense of the art, some have become part of the tourism,which tourists will experienced, some are added the concept of modern pop music, walks into a bar towards young music audience. However, regardless of what form of reproduction, traditional folk music in the process of the field and the Altar to the public, to the stage, as an important cultural identity, embodies the modern national subject subsisting.This article hopes to think its future development and protection of the basic analysis of the modern changes of the traditional folk music. Meanwhile, we hope that this article provide the view and vision of the national culture's survival in the modern.
Keywords/Search Tags:folk music, traditional, modern, national culture
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