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An Analysis Of Pragmatic Presupposition In English Automobile Advertisement

Posted on:2013-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330374463126Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the entry into WTO in2001and the rapid development of economy in China, moreand more foreign automobile industries began to set their sights on China. As a result,numerous transnational automobile companies, such as Ford, Honda, General Motors,Volkswagen, Toyota, and Nissan and so on, sprung up instantly. At the same time, Chinese ownautomobile brands and their industries had been growing constantly. In such a situation, howdo these automobile companies compete with each other? Advertisement is definitely anindispensable strategy to help them to solve this problem.Advertisement, a special type of communication, is used by advertisers to persuade theconsumers to buy the products or services. Though there are countless advertisements aroundus nowadays, not all of them could eventually achieve the advertisers' original goals.Successful advertisements must be effectively entertaining and persuasive to attract thepotential consumers' attention and awareness and stick in their memory in stead of being justinformative.According to its significance, lots of scholars have studied advertising language fromdifferent perspectives; their goal is to figure out the essential principles of advertising language,so as to provide scientific and theoretical guidance for the advertising creating, and then helpthe advertisement to achieve their purpose. Pragmatic presupposition, a very importantphenomenon in pragmatics, is highly used in advertisements in order to serve to the persuasiveand sales promoting purposes. As a result, it is really significant to study pragmaticpresupposition in advertisements. For this thesis, it is significant to analyze the pragmaticpresupposition in English automobile advertisements to see how they worked to produce asuccessful way to achieve the goal of arousing consumers' interests and promoting the sales.This study points out that there is something in common between the traits of pragmaticpresupposition and the claims of the advertising language based on the theories of pragmaticpresupposition, advertising and the previous studies of presupposition in advertisements.Moreover, this study gives the classifications of pragmatic presupposition and the analysis ofits functions in English automobile advertisements.Pragmatic presupposition can be divided into five types according to the consumers'psychology: existential presupposition, fact presupposition, belief presupposition, behaviorpresupposition and state presupposition. The author conducts both quantitative and qualitativeanalysis of these five pragmatic presuppositions in English automobile advertisements andpresents the functions of them in such advertisements. The analysis of functions ofpresuppositions in English automobile advertisements will be analyzed from the five followingaspects: pragmatic presupposition and English automobile advertising language, pragmaticpresupposition and the information of English automobile advertisement, pragmaticpresupposition and the culture of the consumers, pragmatic presupposition and the psychologyof the consumers, and pragmatic presupposition and the strategy of English automobileadvertisement.The analysis of the functions of pragmatic presupposition used in English automobileadvertisements give an insight into the reasons why pragmatic presupposition is frequentlyused in such advertisements.This study is implicational in three ways: theoretically, it may gain an insight of thesignificance of pragmatic presupposition, and enhance the comprehension of pragmaticpresupposition and the advertising language. Practically, this study can provide a theoreticalguidance to the application of pragmatic presupposition correctly in advertising language andhelp advertisers design more attractive and persuasive advertisements so as to achieve the purpose of promoting sales of the advertised products or services, and finally help theautomobile enterprises to sharpen their competitive edges. Pedagogically, this study may gainsome insights into the teaching of English reading of English automobile advertising discourse,or even writing of English advertising discourse.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pragmatic presupposition, English automobile advertisement, advertisinglanguage, classification, function
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