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The Confucian Knowledge Of The Mid Tang Dynasty

Posted on:2013-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330371993417Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The patterns of Confucianism knowledge which appear diversities rely on its environment, period and elite's appearances. This article aims to explore "new" trends of the Confucian and how institutional rules, ceremony and the meaning of the Philosophy books interaction in mid-Tang. Confucianism as a system of power in the discipline of knowledge through the application of "gouvernementalite" in the imperial examination and continue to distinguish the scope of knowledge, the Confucianism knowledge of the contours gradually formed in the imperial examination in the Tang period on the strengthening of social mobility. Special political impact as the dependent form of Confucianism toward ceremony controversy in the mid-Tang period, reveals the different scholars held Confucian position, and through the position of the opposition politics of Confucianism where form. Similarly, as knowledge is the most important manifestation of ways-text writing-show several key concepts in discussion of the main elites in Confucianism metaphysical construct, delineated the sorting out of these concepts in Confucianism authentic pedigree context. This paper attempts to reveal the particularity of the mid-Tang Confucian attitude that it is the special circumstances of a common shock significantly out, closely related with the mid-Tang political discussion on the shape of the Tang Confucian Zhu. Genealogical re-produced in the Tang Dynasty Confucianism in the Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism, was placed under the part of the Song Dynasty precursor. Be regarded as the beginning of Confucianism within. This article is divided into three chapters, the first chapter mainly describes the Tang Dynasty imperial examination system within the framework of Confucianism build, and trying to through Foucault's gouvernementalite as well as change the world within the scope of the Tang and Song argument to explain the relationship between the system and knowledge. Chapter Ⅱ is concerned about the understanding of the conservatives and the radical party ceremony in Tang Tixia, controversy, and by arguing for the return of the Confucian classics of Confucianism towards. The third chapter is concerned about the understanding of Confucianism in Confucianism have in text, how to deal with Confucianism discussed core issues and how to regulate the authority of the pedigree of Confucianism. These chapters are complementary to each other, showing the flow of Confucianism knowledge in various dimensions and show.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mid-Tang, Confucianism, Knowledge
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