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The Appeal To Universality And Difference In Chinese Translation Of English Text From The Perspective Of Hybridization

Posted on:2013-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330371960466Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The arguments over universality and difference have been the focus in translation studies. Scholars used to regard the two notions contradictory. Universality was taken as popularization of the strong culture. Strong culture considers itself as being universal. The otherness of the weak culture is neglected and replaced with the elements in the strong culture. Therefore, the appeal to universality is actually the process of Europeanization. In postcolonial theories, difference is intentionally highlighted to dissolve the influence of the strong culture. With the frequent interaction among countries, international communications have penetrated into every field. Globalization, in itself, is a tendency to universality, which is unavoidable for the mutual dependence and integration of cultures. In this case, universality and difference are no longer treated as incompatible by scholars. On the contrary, to pursue universality is not to purify culture, but to generalize universal elements recognized by all the culture on the basis of difference maintenance.All the translated texts are hybridized and maintain the features of both the SL and TL. As a process of hybridization, translation is based on universality and difference. There is no clear-cut in the use of domestication and foreignization during the process of translation. Translators tend to combine the two strategies. The only difference lies in the degree of hybridity, the study of which will show the translators'attitude towards difference. Hybridization is adopted in this thesis to probe into the translator's treatment of difference in the translation of Eclipse. By the analysis, it is hoped that the study will be of some help in the promotion of culture communication on the equal basis. The research of the translator's strategy under globalization in difference maintenance can also serve as a supplement in the study of universality and difference.
Keywords/Search Tags:Universality, Difference, Hybridization, Eclipse
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