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The Misery Narration In Lu Yao's Novels

Posted on:2012-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368998972Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Lu Yao as China's late twentieth century's most influential writers, the novels have a strong feeling of suffering has become a unique creative style, influenced generations of young people in China. The novella "Life," novel "Ordinary World" has become the young people in the hands of the "holy book." Yao is not the novel's narrative of suffering generated by chance, but by the subjective and objective a profound impact on the environment, the most important is the local culture, personal life experiences and the influence of foreign writers. Yao suffering unique narrative works, images of the vent is not suffering, but suffering in the initiative to construct high tempered personality and pursuit of the ideal life. Yao nature of the pain from their own experience, he resolved to show us the suffering, the way to overcome suffering. Suffering can not be written off, only the existence of human society, there will be suffering, so we are suffering the attitude is not to escape, but the courage to bear, like Lu Yao did open arms to welcome suffering, get our spirit and soul filling, which is the great writer Lu Yao writing the value of suffering. In this paper, which focus on the suffering of the novel's narrative Yao made the focus of the discussion, summed up the novel Lu Yao suffering specific forms of narrative, namely urban and rural "cross zone", characters and theme of suffering, and then from personal life experiences, local culture and the influence of foreign writers and other aspects, the suffering of the Yao novel generation of complex narrative reasons. The paper believes that the suffering of the novel narrative Yao complete sublimation of suffering, Lu Yao used as rafters Jubi, carrying the ultimate ideal of humanity and faith, and be able to afford to play down the suffering, the resistance beyond the suffering. Lu Yao is the novel's narrative of suffering a profound sense of value, including the meaning of life and literary significance. Through the thesis, to confirm Yao novel "suffering narrative" is the realism of the 20th century Chinese literature and the unique contribution, which can be in-depth understanding of creative themes and styles Lu Yao.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lu Yao fiction, suffering, narrative, personal experience
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