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The Study On The Differences And Similarities In High Frequency Words Between Hainan Min Dialect And Mandarin

Posted on:2012-10-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368997055Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hainan island is an area with complex language in China, it conbines with Minnan's Haikou words, Cantonese's Danzhou words, Danjia words, Hakka words, army words there, and Lingao words of sina-tibetan, otherwise the miao ethnic puxi and South Asia dialect and relevant back fai words pragmatics. They have many difference with mandarin. It makes Hainan dialect characteristic in China, and there is greate value in academic to study it.This study starts with collecting vocabulary of Hainan Cantonese and mandarin common used in Hainan, and then focusing on comparative analysis of similarities and differences. Besides of quotes and epilogue,the whole paper consists of four parts.The first part outlines the basic situation of Hainan phonetical status and the former studying,defines Hainan phonetical as popular Chinese dialect in Hainan province of minnan mainly used by Hainan han residents, details formation and evolution process.Its vocabulary characteristics can be summarized as four parts: 1. Keep rich ancient Chinese vocabulary phenomenon; 2. Have significant XunDu phenomenon; 3. Have a batch of foreign language loanwords from Europe and America,southeast Asia language; 4. There are lots of words only having pronunciation and but can't expressed by the Chinese words.The second part is the main part in this paper . This section details and explains with similarities and differences between Hainan phonetical and mandarin language. We believe that there is three commons between Hainan phonetical and mandarin: 1. Words formed in monosyllabic morpheme; 2.Word-formation in certain degree using stem complex legal in neologisms; 3.Words absorbed loanwords. The differences between them as follows: 1.In etymology, Hainan phonetical holds more ancient Chinese words than mandarin; 2. In speech, there are differences between mandarin and Hainan phonetical although they have same meaning in form; 3. In meaning, Hainan phonetical have different meaning with mandarin although they have same formation; 4. In word order, Hainan phonetical words in morpheme has different order in contrast with mandarin; 5.In morphological, Hainan phonetical self-created or follow some dialect words, mandarin vocabulary does not absorb these words; 6. Word-formation phonetical way, Hainan the roots of different in Chinese putonghua and affix, overlapping morpheme word-formation also different form when; 7. Word syllable number, Hainan phonetical monosyllabic words, and presents cavitation phenomenon highlighted the tendency of mulitone, and mandarin don't make these words in.The third part explains the reasons of different formation with common used words in Hainan phonetical and mandarin, different origins and differentterm opinions. For example, inheriting different age or region of ancient Chinese vocabulary, and absorbing different foreign words etc.The fourth part offers some suggestions on how to learn mandarin well for crowd in Hainan, such as active conversion from Hainan phonetical thinking to mandarin thinking, overcomeing dialect interference, distinguishing meanings, mastering normative grammar, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hainan Phonetical, Mandarin, Common Glossary, Similarities and Differences
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