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The Political Ideas And Practice Of Ma Piyao

Posted on:2012-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R LiuFull Text:PDF
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As an important place in the late Qing dynasty official,Ma piyao although not like Zeng Guofan and Li Hongzhang as better-trained and were a large household of such illustrious ,but was deep appreciation to the governor and repeatedly recognized by Guangxu emperor and Cixi empress ,this in the late Qing dynasty official is rare. Through to his study can understand the local officials of the late Qing dynasty period in the face of national crisis, how to govern the country, save lasted. This paper to Ma Piyao's political for discussion bore down on the relief, the economy, thoughts and relevant practice. All the life of Ma Piyao to the research as a whole, the period of late Qing dynasty important official with a view to reaching his important historical status and given a fair evaluation. In addition, this article is trying to restore historical experience of the more and I hope I can tap the experience of reality.This article mainly through three main areas for discussion:The first part: Deals with the thought and practice of engaging of Ma Piyao.Serious drought for the late Qing dynasty was a great impact, the turnaround Ma Piyao for the most serious part of the olympic executive of JieZhou. This part of a comprehensive review thinkings of Ma Piyao when in the face to drought,and engaging in practice, mainly including relieve the prices,and more land, are less taxes, restored after production and mass of instruction, etc. Through the relief measures on which mining in the measures of real learning. at the same time, its drought rule has made significant progress while, but it is limited as inevitable.The second part: On Ma Piyao's economic thought and practice. To save the rule, the period of late Qing dynasty was studying western advanced technology, Ma Piyao's motion is not typical of economic thought, but he showed at the thought of this studay mainly in agriculture, industry and commerce, etc. By the thought of exploration and practice, to further analyze the reason of cause its thoughts.The third part: elaborates the political ideas of Ma Piyao and the practices in dealing with to.Throught the study of Ma Piyao 's practice in the local political in the thirty years to measures together with other officers who were the same time, and draw the outstanding characteristic of the local politicals.Conclusion of specific historical : through the aforementioned of, and for relief, the economy and Ma Piyao in the analysis, helps us understand Ma Piyao 's ideas in the local political . Despite the late Qing dynasty declined in feudal society, but his ideas always show concern "reality" such as people's livelihood. Through these materials can help us with a rational and objective to analyze Ma Piyao 's historical status and more accurately grasp the historical truth .
Keywords/Search Tags:Ma Piyao, Relief, the political
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