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An Analysis Of The National Characters Of Chinese Opera And Its Future Development Advantage

Posted on:2012-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LvFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The development course of the Chinese Opera is more rugged than any other artistic forms, blundering on its course with only two times of short splendid rejuvenations in half a century since its birth. With the fast growing pace of social politics and economy, and the improvement of people's material life and living standard, it is a necessity to elevate people's taste of culture. Therefore Chinese Opera reaches a new stage that needs a creative development by leaps and bounds. In this important period of time, it is of great significance to summarize the developmental regularities of the Chinese Opera, and to explore its national quality and national characters. We, as musicians should take the responsibility to realize the dream of making Chinese Opera step onto a higher stage and receive a new rejuvenation by reflecting its past invaluable experience and learn the lesson, and also analyze its past achievements and process them. This is also where the research significance of this thesis lies.The thesis consists of four parts. In Chapter Two, the author first talks about the historical background of the birth of the Chinese Opera and uses some outstanding works to present its historical development, and finally concludes that it is the limitation in the Chinese its concept of creating, people's orientation of aesthetics, and the preservation of market promotion that lead to the solitary existent situation of the Chinese Opera. Chapter Three first elaborates the national characters of the Chinese Opera, including its national properties which take three aspects as its framework, that is, the opera acting of folk singing, the individual representation of the national psychological mood, and the artistical inheritance of the national culture, together with the concrete presentations of its typical national characters, which contain the localization of singing, the correspondence between China and western in its creation, sand the feminized and historicalized features of it subject matters, which results in the contemplation on its future developing advantages in Chapter Four. It includes the correspondent advantages of the creating concept between Chinese and Western Operas, the integrated advantages of the multi-national artistic cultures, and the advantage of culturing opera market which caters to people's aesthetics. It finally puts forward the concrete imagination to bring opera to campus. In the end, the thesis gives a brief analysis of the relation between nationality of the Chinese Opera and its worldwide basis, which give some advice to the developing orientation of Chinese Opera. Actually, nationalities can only keep its value on the international stage of art. If the nationalities of art cannot be realized, the worldwide basis of art will not exist, either.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Opera, National characters, Future developing advantages
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