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Maka Ning In The Postmodern Context Creation

Posted on:2012-05-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330368495807Subject:Russian Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Vladimir Makanin- one of the most active, powerful and prestigious writers in Contemporary Russian Literature. Begin with his debut"Line"in 1965, till now a total of more than 20 short stories published, and caused critics at home and abroad widespread concern.However, whether domestic or foreign, researches about Makanin focus on writer's writing style, the work of the performance of the theme, creative thinking and complexity of the conflict, the writer's position and relationship with the times and so on , the creation of Makanin tradition and combining post-modern characteristics of this creation is not much. That is to say the previous researches are independent and no overall systematic grasp. Therefore, this article will make Makanin as the research object, his works as the main characteristics. Under the guidance of narrative theory, the theory of Russian Formalism strange, post-modern aesthetics, by reading the text and literature, soughting in the original basis of research results, try to examine the characteristics of the works of Makanin from a new perspective.This paper focuses on characteristics of combining tradition and post-modern in Makanin's works. Paper is divided into introduction, main part and conclusion parts.The introduction summarized the situation of home and abroad, and point out theresearch method of this study, theoretical analysis and creative view.The main part is divided into three chapters: Chapter 1 -Overview of the Makanin's works. His process is divided into three stages: early (60s-early 80s ), medium (80s) and recent (90s till now). The thought and background of his works in different stages are discussed. Makanin's concern about the theme of"Philistine","Frankenstein"and"New"is discussed. Chapter 2 - Makanin and the post-modern literature. The use of postmodern narrative strategies, such as parody, absurdity, and metaphors are discussed in order to show Makanin novel's aspects of post-modernism. Chapter 3 - Makanin and Russian literary traditions. The inheritance and development of the traditional subject, traditional spirit and traditional image in Russia literature are analysised. The characteristics of traditions of Makanin's work is revealed.Finally, the conclusion: in the post-modern period, Makanin, on the one hand, created and absorbed the various post-modernist"new"writing style, with intertextuality, metaphor, parody and the absurd, etc. created a strange world of literature; on the other hand, he did not content with the game of words fragmented. He did not follow the post-modernism"to reproduce realistic feel, the pursuit of superficial plane". Unique Russian intellectuals"Messiah"spirit makes his works hide a deep philosophical and critical under the appearance of absurdity. Therefore, perfect combination of tradition and modernity is really the feature of his works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Makanin, subject, post-modernity, tradition
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