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Modern Merchants Teleplays Tragedy Aesthetic

Posted on:2012-03-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q S YuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The modern merchants TV drama is the one that mainly expresses the commercial and business activities and personal life. This kind of drama dated from the middle of the late last century and the beginning of this century, with the boosting of production quality and creation level, this unique and traditional type of TV drama has been formed. Meanwhile, it's cultural connotation and aesthetic characteristics are widely paid attention to, forming"the hotness of the modern merchants"These years, our scholars always criticize that our literary and artistic works are lack of expression of the thorough and profound tragic beauty. TV drama, regarded as a kind of mass culture production avoids tragic beauty in order to cater to the appreciation of the masses.But the modern merchants TV drama's particularity shows its tragic beauty which is different from other types. So this paper takes the modern merchants TV drama as the object of study, trying to take tragic beauty as the perspective and bases on the analysis of the background and reason of the boosting of this kind of drama.It takes"Dong Fang Shang Ren","Da Ran Fang","Qiao Jia Da Yuan","Bai Yin Gu"and"Hong Ding Shang Ren Hu Xue Yan"as study model. Meanwhile, it also uses"Da Zhai Men","Long Piao","Da Qing Yao Wang","Da Ci Shang","Yi Dai Da Shang Meng Le Chuan"and"Tian Xia Di Yi Lou"for reference, using narratology, tragic beauty and related achievement of drama theory. This paper does the primary study of this kind of drama from the perspective of portrait , narrative technique, aesthetic significance and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:modern merchants, TV drama, tragedy aesthetic
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