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Thought The Maze Imagine Transboundary

Posted on:2012-10-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330344950248Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Nabokov's life was a wandering life, he sailed from St. Petersburg to London, from Berlin to Paris, from this side of the Atlantic to the other side of the Atlantic. Nabokov's literary creation is the creation of cross-border, he has experienced a change of language from Russian to English, achieved an interaction between literature with other disciplines. While in Lolita, Nabokov completed a step from other literary trends to post-modernism. Mainstream criticism has classified Lolita—a Black humor fiction into post-modernism rank, but on palette of post-modernism, there are also colors of modern, realism and Aestheticism. As the multicolored coats, these elements hanging on the post-modernism, make Lolita's post-modernism a unique one, so that Lolita has become a unique text of infinite interpretation space:The first chapter "The liberty of the other worlds - Black humor and Postmodernism" expounds Lolita as a black humor fiction. Nabokov, by the mouth of Humbert, sneered at people and events around quietly and deeply. He used irrational reflector reflects the dark side of human nature. And black humor highlights its individualism among the other post-modern genres.The second chapter "The nihility of the other worlds -Modernism and Postmodernism ", from the four points of "building and dismantling" "disorder to the eternal" "Desire and Disillusion" "Monologue and Polyphony", elaborates the novel's leaps and bounds from modernism to postmodernism. Lolita appears to be modernism's spiritual quest to overcome the nihilism of the "dark world" which takes itself main value as the center. In reality Lolita is post-modernism's spiritual escape to overcome the alienation of the living in the "poor times" which takes non-subject and decentralization as its principles.The third chapter "The aesthetics of the other worlds - Aestheticism and Postmodernism", from the two angles of "Aesthetics and the Ugly" "practical retreat" dissertates that Lolita practices the creative principle of aestheticism -"art for art." yet Lolita moves from "aesthetic" to "ugliness", detaches from redundant symbols and achieves a interaction between postmodernism and aestheticism.The forth chapter "The ethics of the other worlds - Realism and Postmodernism", through the three angles of "hypocrisy of the digestion" "parody of the carnival" "Fiction is all", discourses that Lolita, in the deep text, deviate away from the creative principle of realism. Ultimately, Nabokov and Lolita drift away from realism, ultimately set foot on the sunny road of postmodernism. Lolita, although with colorful coats of modernism, aestheticism, realism, but flows black humor blood and beats a heart of postmodernism. Nabokov's choice of postmodernism is more than a meet of times, but a return to himself, a comeback to nature, a step across to the other worlds.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nabokov, Lolita, postmodernism, the other worlds
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