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The Rearch Of Datengvalley Region "Yao Bian" In GuangXi Ming-Dynasty

Posted on:2012-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C S LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341451512Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Dateng valley region is located in the hinterland of Guangxi province, through which Qianjiang flow. In Ming Dynasty, it's the main road between the east and west of Guangxi. High mountains and fast-flowing rivers are the represent of this area. The Yao minorities have been lived here generation after generation. In the early times of Ming dynasty, the Yao minorities were not in the possession of the Ming government, their distribution was based on their last name, developing into different villages.With the further control by Ming Dynasty on the middle west of Guangxi province, the Yao minorities in Dateng valley region became registered as Qi residents, who were obligated to pay tax and serve army. Of course, the process was no doubt a fierce. Both sides competed often. As a result, revolutions in Dateng valley region have been recorded in history over 20 times, leaving a great impact on the political pattern. Nearly 100 years in the Ming dynasty, every time the revolution happened, the decision and reformation of the governing strategies strengthened. In the paper, 3 revolutions, having the greatest scale and influence were chosen. The paper will analyze the reason they broke out, Ming government's repression and its lateral administration and then study how the Ming dynasty, as a role of a country's governor, accomplished its real governance step by step, which will enlighten us nowadays.Hou Dagou Yaobian is the first climax of the Dateng valley region in Guangxi. It's considered that the Hou Dagou Yaobian resulted from the use of Ming Dynasty's power to expand towards east by the Liangjiang Tuguan. Its occurrence and development enhanced Ming's reform of military structure in Guangdong and Guangxi, namely the establishment of governor palace and Hanyong's first change of social system in Dateng valley region.Dateng valley Contract was Ming government's first trial about the rule to the Yao minorities, which was the solution to the Guangxi government's financial crisis and the military defeat of Chen Jin. And it couldn't exist for a long time fundamentally. Therefore, the failure of Dateng valley Contract resulted in the big expedition by Wang Shouren and Han Yong's second change of social system in that region.In the early time of Ming dynasty, Tuguan in Dateng valley society migrated several times, which contributed to the contradiction between different clans, thus leading to the Hou Gongding Yaobian. Actually, the Yao minorities in Dateng valley region were not brought into Ming's governance until the third revolution by Weng Wanda and Tian Rucheng. Since then, Yaobian vanished gradually, and the government never started military operation at large scale. Regarding the practical situation about the whole southern area of China, Hou Gongding's repression to Yaobian as well as the stability in that region was a reflection of Ming dynasty's significance to the maintenance of the tribute trade system and stability in Annan.
Keywords/Search Tags:GuangXi, Dateng valley, Yaobian, Tuguan Reform
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