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A Study On The Effectiveness Of Applying Task-based Teaching Model To The College English Reading Classes

Posted on:2012-12-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330341451007Subject:English Curriculum and Pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, task-based teaching has drawn more and more concern of public all over the world, and great achievements have been made by researchers. As one of the exploration of this area, this thesis, based on the comprehensive analysis of relative theory and experiments, by putting the task-based teaching into the practice of college English reading classes, attempts to, with the help of questionnaire survey, judge whether it is effective for this teaching model being applied to college English teaching. This experiment last for about half a year, and use some classes of college English reading as its objective. Judge from the results, the author found that due to the model of task-based teaching, the students of experimental class show more interest in their English study, and they made great achievements in English learning and competency improving. Therefore, this thesis argues that task-based teaching can be and should be applied in college English teaching so as to be of help in creating more efficient classes. But one thing should be pointed out beforehand that the disadvantages of task-based teaching itself and the real situation of English teaching in China should be taken into consideration when choosing task-based teaching as the major English teaching model. In order to make good use of this model and ensure both the teacher and the student actively take party in the classroom teaching, due research and improvement should be made on this model, and other models also can be used as supplement when it is necessary.The methods mainly used in this research are literature analysis, experimentation, and questionnaire survey, and there are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter makes an introduction of the background information, the subject, the research method and the significance of the present research; In the second chapter, literature review is made so as to outline the development tendency of contemporary research, and then the definition, structure, type and the fundamental theory of task are made clear in this chapter, and the principles of task design and procedure of task-based teaching practice are also introduced in this part; the third chapter of this thesis deals with the present situation of college English reading class and problems existed in traditional teaching, based on the analysis of the urgent necessity of reforming the present teaching model, task-based English teaching is put forward to help the teaching and learning in English reading classes more efficient. In chapter four, the experimental research is introduced to exam whether the task-based teaching model can be applied into the college English reading teaching or not, and according to the results of the experiment, the task-based teaching model is helpful in promoting the students'English reading and this model is practicable and effective; Then in chapter five, the author summarizes the results and findings of the present research, and then presents the limits of this study, and of course some suggestions for future research has been put forward in the end of this thesis.
Keywords/Search Tags:College English, reading, task-based teaching, validity
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