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Chinese Contemporary Art And Society Entangled Together

Posted on:2012-06-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Milan Cerovina S RFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338971164Subject:New media
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the West, Chinese contemporary art is not new anymore. In fact, we still do not understand the true concept of Chinese contemporary art. When I started my research I noticed that this particular subject grew more and more intricate. In order to truly understand Chinese contemporary art, we also need to acquire knowledge about society and Chinese philosophy; prime example, Taoism. To attain an in-depth comprehension of the complexity of Chinese contemporary art we must be aware of the influence from western art, styles, societies and philosophers. To focus on the question,"how to read and understand Chinese contemporary art"was my primary goal. My secondary goal;"what kind of relation did the artist and society had in the period since contemporary art started in China until most recent years". My target focus became artist groups rather than individuals and their work. With my formulated thesis I tried to dissect and understand why Chinese contemporary art looks the way it does today and what made it look that way.
Keywords/Search Tags:influence, art styles, art groups, art periods, contemporary art, society, globalization
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