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Exploring The Behind Of The "Tibet Independence" Forces

Posted on:2012-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338963765Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the "Tibet Independence" forces frequently showed themselves in international stage. The Dalai group "interviewed" the European and American countries so many times, continuously advocating "Tibet Independence" and "human rights", "democracy". With making use of the opportunity which China held the Olympic Games in 2008, the "Tibet Independence" terrorists openly disrupted the delivery of torch, and made the violent crime of beating, smashing, looting and burning in Lhasa in March 14,2008. They continually trampled the life and propety of Chinese people and the base line of international humanitarianism, increasing their international awareness and social influence and attempting to let the Tibet issue make internationalization further. Therefore, we should detect that the "Tibet Independence" forces are not single and isolated. Their rampancy is closely related to the handle and telecontrol of traditonal foreign forces. We need to get to the root, investigate and analyse the inducingcatalysis of British, India and other foreign forces carefully during the formation and development of "Tibet Independence" forces. In accordance with its feature, specific remedies can be prescribed, and we can put forward some practical and pointed advices. While claiming to sovle the Tibet issue by negotiation, we must fight with the "Tibet Independence" forces and international anti-China forces firmly, realizing the peace, stability and continued safety of Tibet early.The thesis includes three chapters. The first chapter, with the aggressive policies of Britain as the main line, exhibits a series of his schemes and ugly features by several periods that from planing to have trade relations to the armed intrusions, from drawing the top echelons of Tibet in to driving the power of China out, from realizing "Tibet Independence" by treaties to let the Tibet issue make internationalization, and analyses every schemes in detail. The second chapter, proceeding from the inheritance of history and continuity of policy, recites relaying Britain, India's artifices for "Tibet Independence" after his independence and the specific manifestation that the main foreign forces support the Dalai group now, and summarizes the feathers of the "Tibet Independence" currently. The third chapter gives the former two ones sublimation at practical applications. In the light of the analyses about the facts and mentality of foreign forces interfering with Tibet, author provides his rationalization proposals in terms of how to prevent the foreign forces from interfering with Tibetan affairs, eliminate Tibet separatist forces, and preserve the stability of Tibet. The conclusion part is the sum-up about reality and prospect of future.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Tibet Independence" forces, Britain, India, Peace and stability
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