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Rise Of Civil Society In Contemporary China On The Meaning Of Human Development

Posted on:2012-03-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338956474Subject:Marxist philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Civil Society (Civil Society), also translated into the civil society, its basic meaning refers to a structure different from the national social formation. Research on civil society in the West a long time, Marx and the civil society as "the birthplace of all the real and the stage of history" in-depth research, and thus the creation of historical materialism. Marx, many philosophers, social theory of its citizens continue to supplement and perfect the contemporary theory of civil society is more abundant. As China's feudal autocratic monarchy and society in the long-term lack of free market economy, the real sense of the Chinese civil society, the gradual rise until after the reform and opening up and developed. As East-West cultural differences, civil society in contemporary China also showed the characteristics different from the Western civil society, mainly in:spontaneity and consciousness co-exist, the coexistence of civil sexual and official, the coexistence of autonomy and dependence. These features also show that China's civil society is still immature.In contemporary China, as the existence of civil society, individual subjectivity, in the transition into the post-modern society, but also met one-sided development of human capacity, tools, vogue, consumer life style and other issues prevalent, people become their own the wealth created by slaves, the contradiction between man and nature is more prominent. Nevertheless, civil society in contemporary China is still human development has brought more hope. On the one hand, as the economic base of civil society, human development of socialist market economy provides the basic conditions, political, separation of state and civil society for human development and political conditions, and the community as a new community and human development provides a good social conditions. On the other hand, civil society in contemporary China also contributed to the development of human freedom and individuality-round development of human capacity, enrich people's social relations. However, because civil society in contemporary China is not mature, it also has the right of lack of personal value guidance, can not form the true independence and freedom of the individual, not the behavior of its main effective monitoring and so on. This addition to the introduction and conclusion, the paper is divided into four parts, mainly the use of Marxist philosophy, in accordance with the method of theory with practice, the system analyzes the development of contemporary Chinese civil society and contemporary status and characteristics of human development issues, elaborated on man of civil society in contemporary China have provided favorable conditions for the development and promotion of human freedom and comprehensive development issues, and fully affirmed the rise of civil society in China on behalf of human development on the active role played. Also, briefly discusses its negative significance of human development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Civil Society, Human Development, Free and overall development
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