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The Art Implication In Van Gogh's Painting

Posted on:2012-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338473809Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From the second half of the 17th century, emerging European bourgeois started to adore oriental art passionately. This new trend was intermittent until the end of 19th century, producing "Oriental hot" for a hundred years in Europe. With the rise of modern big industry, the Western aesthetic standards of traditional art could not adapt to the rapid development of society at that time. Many insightful people in the art circle focused on oriental art again. Impressionism came into being.The impressionist school painters took seriously of the external light and how to apply it in the paintings, which was inspired by the optics theory and the oriental art. then, the neo-impressionism applied light principle to the color in the paintings consciously, and their artistic works were more formalized, doctrine without paying attention to the artistic social and ideological functions. The post-impressionists noticed these problems, including Cezanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh, and explored hard in their respective fields,producing the remarkable achievements. Among these three painters, Van Gogh took the self-feeling expressing and the subjective emotion as the artistic ideal. He made a deep study of Japanese art and applied it to his works, making his painting art implication obvious reflect oriental characteristic, which was unique in the post-impressionist painters. Therefore, said from the certain extent that Van Gogh is in the Impressionism time is affected the Eastern art the biggest painter.The thesis takes it as the starting point of research that oriental art influenced on Van Gogh. The author argues that although the Japanese Ukiyoe is a direct impact on the formation of Van Gogh's painting style, however, it was long historical relationship between Japanese culture (including Japanese painting) and Chinese culture, Van Gogh unconsciously understood the essence of Chinese painting in the course of study the Japanese Ukiyoe. This can be regarded as the argument that Chinese art impacted on Van Gogh's painting indirectly. In this thesis, the author summarizes the integral style of the art implication in van Gogh's painting, elaborating specifically the art implication that Van Gogh's painting embodied by analyzing their works from "expressing emotions with things, containing emotions in scene", "rather clumsy not skillful, rather ugly not vulgar", "brush wonderful spirit vivid, QiYun lively. Of course, when the author discusses "QiYun" in Van Gogh's painting, he illustrates the point:due to the affect of age change, Van Gogh's character and the experience of evangelical missionaries, that made his paintings functional with generous religion and spiritual restless. In the conclusion part of this article, the author gave a brief description of Van Gogh's influence in expressionism paintings with his own learning experience.The author has been interested in the comparison research and believe that only by making a comparison, can we clearly recognize the common points between different cultures, thus a communication bridge will be built, promoting the different things develop after the mutual influence. That the eastern and western cultures are blooming with bleeding is the best example. It is the purpose that the author choices the topic as research object of his thesis. I also hope that the research can provide the public with a deeper, comprehensive understanding Van Gogh's painting, doing a beneficial exploration that shows an inner full Van Gogh.
Keywords/Search Tags:Van Gogh, Art Implication, Expressionism
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