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Beyond Death

Posted on:2012-01-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330338461459Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Wu Mingshi is a very unique writer in the history of Chinese literature of twentieth century, as well as "Anonymous Book".Unlike the most of realistic writers, Wu Mingshi is not intended to write works to reflect the real life, but to find the true meaning of life, human destiny, hoping to make up a prescription to save human civilization. Yin Di, the protagonist of "Anonymous Book" made a constant ups and downs life. He experienced revolution, love, sin, religion, and finally achieved the perfect harmony of life, and mixed the Eastern and the Western culture together, and established a new earth philosophy. Regardless of whether the results of this thinking is feasible or not, this kind of thinking that start from the value of life, the spirit of pursuing, will be a great wealth in the history of human culture, especially when we realized the environment that Wu Ming lived in. This writing that ahead of its time is extremely valuable. It almost shows us a new field."Anonymous Book" stood at the height of all mankind around the world, with an attitude of unique thinking, trying to communicate the Eastern culture with Western culture to solve the problems of human civilization. Such a design to create a utopian ideal in accord with the writer's standpoint that to write for life, transcended all races and countries. It may be said that he wrote for all human beings, exploring the fate of mankind. If the creation of Wu Mingshi not only to be said as the product of intellectuals' spiritual pursuit, but a the individual writer made a transcend thought of the universe, then this thought would have more symbolic meaning. When the traditional view and value of life disappeared, the alien civilization was difficult to be accepted, how to find one's position in this embarrassing condition was a question that people had to think, who stood on the ruins and wanted to make new lives. This was a realistic question that Chinese people should make a deeply thought, who faced problems at home and abroad. This is also a question that the human beings to make a deeply thought, who has history of civilization for thousands of years and now face the fact of cultural integration, technological advances,and the information explosion.The paper is divided into two chapters. The first chapter researched from "Beast-Beast-Beast," "Hai-yan," "The Golden Snake Night," "Dead strata", analysed the process from perplexity to consciousness of Yin Di. The second chapter researched from the "flowers outside the nebula," "Genesis And Buddha", analysed the "Tao" that Yin Di found by his thought, and the view of life that build on the basis of "Tao". The third chapter analysed the limitations and practical significance of the view of life in "Anonymous Book".There is so much wealth that worth to dig in Wu Mingshi's works, especially the pursue for the ideal life. We can see this indomitable creative spirit when the human face the fate. This spirit has a very important practical significance. The reflection and exploration of life are also the continuous motive power for the human to make progress. In the twenty-first century, what kind of life philosophy that people should have, what the meaning of life is, these are both timeless ancient and new topics. Organizing and digging the vast cultural wealth that Wu Mingshi left to provide reference to our today's thinking is very meaningful. Religious thought has a special meaning in the building of the Wu Mingshi's view of life. He had said in confidence that, "this life's aspiration is to reconcile Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianism to establish a new faith." The current study of religious thought in his work is obviously not enough, especially rarely in the Buddhism and Taoism. This paper used some traditional philosophical views to make a desire to analyse Wu Mingshi's works and his ideological exploration, to map in the background of confilict of the eastern and western cultures, the progress that he searched, selected and created the new Chinese culture, and the return to the traditional philosophy in his building of the view of life.
Keywords/Search Tags:The life, Life and death, Realize the truth of Tao, View of life
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