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Study On Lin'an In Southern Song China

Posted on:2012-11-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2215330335998481Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In terms of the theory of Tang-Song Transformation, it is generally believed that great changes had taken place in cities during the Tang-Song period. "Establishing the nation back onto the sea" represents the particularity of the Southern Song Dynasty. After deciding on Lin'an as the temporary capital (Xing zai suo), the imperial court had to reconstruct the order of national ritual system, legal norm and urban life with a comprehensive plan.From li-fa礼法perspective, on the basis of examining the ritual space, the emperor's imperial inspection tour, the city-walls and city-gates as boundaries, and the time allocation of urban life, this thesis discusses the action and interaction of/between the Emperor, officials, literati, and citizens, including the political wrestle, the culture of Fengshui (风水geomancy) and the fashion of urban life. The paper also analyzes the complicated connections between thoughts, institutions and activities related with li-fa, and put Lin'an into the context of urban history so as to inquire further the transition in the Northern and Southern Song Dynasty, and thereafter in Yuan-Ming period.This thesis points out that city-walls and city-gates as boundaries are crucial for people at that time to cognize the city, and for us nowadays to unscramble the traditional urban issues as well. The walls in Lin'an distinguished the inside内and the outside外, legal法and illegal非法. However under the impact upon the entrance security system, it led to the disorder of opening and closing of the city-gates with the transition of the curfew system and prosperous urban night lives. Therefore the city walls and gates became symbolic boundaries. On the other hand, the walls were also the boundaries as the judgement of Li (礼and非礼). The Southern Song court was always in a dilemma at early period in particular when making the arrangement of ritual space, and tried to harmonize the traditional symbolic layout and the realistic geographical particularity. Thus the shifting of ritual core areas inside and outside the city was a distinctive feature of the arrangement of ritual space in Lin'an in Southern Song China. Besides, in the course of selecting the capital, the culture of Fengshui became one of important sources of argument apart from military strategical and geographical elements. Fengshui, together with the urban omen and prophecy, added another interpretation into the rise and fall of the city.The construction of ritual space concerned directly toward the emperor's trip in the capital. The emperor's imperial inspection tour was almost limited in Lin'an. It should be regarded as a dynamic and integrated course. Based upon a careful review of the very important Mingtang明堂ceremony and imperial rain-praying, the study revealed the tour's complexity:(1) fixed combination of ritual spaces and its meaning; (2) the urban tough problem of removing and rebuilding houses before/after the tour; (3) those aborted tour also reflected the relation between the emperor and officials. Meanwhile duren (都人citizens) formed a vibrant and indispensable force in Lin'an. They not only witnessed the imperial ceremony, but also conveyed information or even spread rumor which resulted in harsh legal binding. City is certainly much more than the mere object of study. City and urban life should become one of approaches to get a deeper understanding of our society, culture, and world. The study from li-fa perspective will broaden our horizon, and represent an animated and abundant picture of Chinese ancient capitals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Southern Song, Lin'an, Li-Fa, Boundary
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