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The Abnormal Savda Syndrome Cd41,CD62p And Fibrinogen Change Of Research

Posted on:2012-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2214330368489954Subject:Traditional Chinese Medicine
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective: Assessment and analysis of different age exception abnormal savda syndrome to patients with Platelet Activation molecularα-particles membrane protein(CD62p), Integringene familyⅡb/Ⅲa Integrin(CD41), Fibrinogen relationship. Methods: Use of monoclonal antibodies and flow cytometry technology, research and analysis of different age groups(elderly aged≥60year-old, middle age groups age 45~59 year-old age group, youth<45岁)with the exception of abnormal savda syndrome of platelet activating molecules CD41, CD62p and FIB expression and correlation. Results: Abnormal savda syndrome of elderly group patients with CD62p, CD41 and fibrinogen were significantly higher than other age groups abnormal savda syndrome patients(P<0.01);Abnormal savda syndrome different age groups of patients CD41, CD62p and fibrinogen were higher than other age groups Abnormal savda syndrome CD41, CD62p and fibrinogen(P<0.05). The increase level of growth and age signifcantly correlated(P<0.01). Conclusion:①The old age patients with abnormal savda syndrome was in the majority.②With age in patients with Abnormal Savda Syndrome in platelet activating CD62p and FIB significantly increased, platelet adhesion protein CD62p expression and release increased, in a state of activation.③The elderly age-group patients of abnormal savda syndrome, more attention should be concerned about a variety of platelet activating factor stimulation in vivo platelet activation, but also to early warning, prediction, prevention of abnormal savda syndrome elderly patients and the incidence of thrombosis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Abnormal savda syndrome, Different age groups, Platelet activating factors, Thrombosis
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