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Preparation And Pharmacodynamics Study On Compound Povidone Iodine Gel

Posted on:2013-02-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H ChenFull Text:PDF
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Endometritis in dairy cows is a common disease of reproductive organs. Traditionally,antibiotic therapy is usually chosen as a treatment for this disease. However, antibiotictherapy although effect fast,it has some toxic and side effects, at the same time,it also canresidual in the milk and lead animals to develop drug resistance and three reaction. In thisthesis, we developed the compound povidone iodine gel for the treatment of endometritis indairy cows. In order to provide theoretical basis for their possible clinical application in thefuture, we carried out experiments to investigate their safety, stability andpharmacodynamics.Preparation and quality control of compound povidone iodine gel: We make up thismedicine by analysing the result of the orthogonal test of the best medicinal way, andinvestigate it's quality. The result shows that the prescription and technology of this medicineare simple. It is a uniform, smooth kermesinus viscous liquid. pH score rangs from3.5to4.5.The quality standard of this medicinal is according with the<<Chinese Pharmacopoeia>>.Study of the stability: compound povidone iodine is conducted experiments ofcentrifugation, heat and cold resistance, room temperature respectively. Then we measuredthe effective iodine content at different times. The Experimental result indicated that theproperties of compound povidone iodine is stable, the decline of effective iodine content wasinconspicuous. But the pH decreased slightly with time trend.but all in the scope of qualitycontrol.Study of the safety: The safety of compound povidone iodine gel measured by acuteoral toxicity test of big mice and small indicate that compound povidone iodine gel's LD50>5000mg/kg, belongs to a type of non-toxic drugs.Pharmacodynamic test: Compound povidone iodine gel to cow endometritis,efficiencyand cure rates were96%and86%,but the ichthyol of control group were85%and67.5%.The result shows that the compound povidone iodine gel to cow endometritis has a bettertherapeutic effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:endometritis, povidone iodine, gel
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