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Cultural Explore Of A Modern Residential Entrance

Posted on:2013-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362463218Subject:Art of Design
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with social progress and human living standards, people's quality of lifeand living space have both improved over time. Living space, usually the intrinsicmeasure of quality and success, becomes the soul of our culture as our housing is nowthe modern residential venue for environmental design and, as we see here, a keyresearch topic.The main purpose of this study is to understand the pattern of the modernresidential space and its environment; how the design of the space, including theentrance reflects the resident culture as well as the culture of the community.Although "Entrance" has been a synonym for residential entrance for a short period oftime, entering the space of our home can also describe entering our community andshowcasing our Culture. This thesis attempts to explore the entrance from thetraditional residential design standpoint while exploring China's unique culture alongwith the basic cultural identity of our modern society; We imagine a modernresidential design or an entry point, as a theoretical basis for an intersection betweentraditional culture and our modern life.To begin, the concept of the entrance with its historical and cultural origins, welook to history and architecture as it is clear that the structure of a porch, originated inChina, and thus lay the foundation for the culture of observation, inquiry andcommunication. We take the traditional courtyard for example, as the entrance to astudy in Chinese cultural identity and we can identify with deep thought and passionfrom Chinese people in their own sanctuary and their home, observed from the insideto the outside an image of the planning and construction of the structure. The desireto live and direct every aspect of the guidance and instruction by the house owner, andthe guidance in the use space and surface decoration with emphasis on a culturalatmosphere of a modern home, both provide cultural reference for modern entrancedesign.In addition, through the analysis of the category of the entrance spacearchitecture, combined with the use of the traditional home as an expression of its users cultural identity, the entrance can be considered the sum of this culturaldimension, its use of space and its effect on people, as well as the importance of homelife.Finally, the thesis analyzes the status of unobvious entrance space at modernresidence. Combined with its space constructive elements, it is resulted that the wayspace being used and design principles of entrance culture. If the culture of surfacedecoration is assumed to be the garment of residence, then the culture of space iswhere the glamour of the residence lies in. The embodiment of culture in space willdirect the research in the current area.
Keywords/Search Tags:entrance, entrance space, cultural identity, space culture, surface culture
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