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The Well-off Society Under The Ecological Values Education

Posted on:2012-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330338966070Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In such a comprehensive construction society that is relatively comfortable life, its struggle goal is the one that includes a set of political, economic, cultural and ecological environment and people's overall development of comprehensive, systematic objective, the goal is to build a social form that benefits a billion of people, a higher level, more complete, the development of a more balanced society. Under comprehensive construction society that is relatively comfortable life; ecological values education is regarded as a entry point. Firstly, it discusses the significance of ecological values education to build a comprehensive construction society that is relatively comfortable life; it is a necessary requirement to promote green economic development, building a comprehensive construction society that is relatively comfortable life, which can contribute to the human themselves full of ongoing development and maintenance of the environmental benefit of the people. The article describes the ecological values of the basic content of education, namely, the interdependence of man and nature, the concept of harmonious development of education, promoting green production and green consumption behavior lifestyle education, the economical society, nature's model of organic integration of education and common development. Finally, the measures of ecological values education, from the Government's eco-responsibility eco-conscious companies, research institutes, innovative ability and the perspective of educational activities in schools, for the comprehensive construction society that is relatively comfortable life. Its final goal is to create a good environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:the well-off society, ecological values, education
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