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Online Game Consumer Behavior Analysis

Posted on:2007-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209360182985106Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Recent years, as a new form of entertainment, online game industry showed a startling rise in China. This paper tries to study online-game customer behavior in view of the players. In order to make research more pertinent, this paper pickes MMORPG as the study thing because of its most attention paied by players. Paper uses theory of management science, marketing, economics and behavior science. Based on a great deal of investigation, the paper analyzes the online-game customer behavior and the impact facts of online-game customer eperience.First of all, based on predecessors' research, this paper studies the conception and theory of online-game , customer behavior, and online-game customer behavior. In addition, this paper analyzes the online-game value through some correlative economic theories .they are internet effect theory and customer locked theory.Secondly, paper analyzes online-game customer eperience system in view of the players through investigation and fact analysis. There are four first-class elements named as "content", " relationship", " safety", " benefit" .In addition, paper proves that there are individual character through the variances analysis between the impact facts of online-game customer eperience and the customer's individual characteristics, and the partial correlation analysis between the impact facts of online-game customer eperience and customer's behavior characteristics.Finally, Based on the status quo of internet game industry, we put forward the policies and methods of online-game sales in view of customer eperience...
Keywords/Search Tags:online-game, customer behavior, customer eperience
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