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Causes And Countermeasures Of China's Real Estate Non-performing Assets

Posted on:2007-11-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We have discussed how to treat the Non-performing Loans for years, yetthere are comparably little bookmaking about the real estate'sNon-performing Loans which is the main part of our country'sNon-performing Loans. Therefore, in this thesis we did quality analysisbased on the quantity analysis to probe into the cause of the real estate'sNon-performing Loans of our country. And then we brought forward thecountermeasure according to our analyzing. All the countermeasures are as the follows.Firstly, for the over-charged price of the real estates, we can dispose ofthem by public sale.Secondly, for the real estate's Non-performing Loans which is out of dateor with inconvenient location, we can sale them in package.Last but not least, it is the macro control that is the most effective way toravel out the problem of the superfluous new investment in real estates.
Keywords/Search Tags:Real Estates, Non-performing Loans, Analyzing, Countermeasures
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