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Study Of The Market Positioning Of China's City Commercial Banks

Posted on:2007-12-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After more than 10 years' development, urban commercial bank has achieved greatsuccess and become an important component of Chinese banking system. But we shouldalso realize that the current situation with which urban commercial bank is confronted hasbecome increasingly difficult,not only because of its own problems, but also because ofthe fierce competition in the banking sector. Then under such circumstances, how doesurban commercial bank try to make breakthrough?In my opinion, if urban commercial bank wants to enhance its competence, first itmust analyse its comparative advantages and disadvantages and choose an accuratemarketing orientation. The marketing orientation of China's urban commercial bank hasbeen unclear for a long time, accurate marketing orientation will promote the sustainabledevelopment of urban commercial banks, optimize the allocation of social resources, andhelp urban commercial bank meet the challenges brought by the entry of WTO. With itsunique marketing orientation, American community bank had remained its vitality andstrong ability to resist economic recession after a wave of banking mergers andacquisitions and the economic downturn, its successful experience will provide usefulenlightenment for our urban commercial bank. Additionally, insufficient supply offinancial service, blocked financial channel of SMEs and increased demand ofpersonalized consumer credit will also provide vast space for urban commercial bankoriented to be community bank.This paper is based on the theory of modern finance, enterprises management andmarketing of banks. Through the research of its marketing orientation actuality, itsystematically analyses the need for urban commercial bank to orient renewedly. On thebasis of our real situation, it concludes that China's urban commercial bank should regardlocal resident and SMEs as major clients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Positioning
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