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A Study On The Service Quality Of Holiday Hotel In

Posted on:2016-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L B KuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2209330503950796Subject:Tourism Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of social economy, people’s living standards improve, life style has changed, with the continuous implementation of the system of paid vacation, leisure vacation tourism is gradually replacing the traditional sightseeing tourism, has become a new trend of tourism. Holiday Hotel as an important part of the leisure vacation tourism and activity carrier, the leisure vacation travel and the traditional sightseeing tourism. In leisure travel, visitors spend more time and money to enjoy the happy time in the hotel. In order to seize the commanding heights of leisure and holiday tourism market, Yunnan Province will resort as an important starting point, will continue to introduce new brands, the corresponding incentive measures, continue to build high-end Resort Hotel, trying to fundamentally change its presence in the resort of short board, seize this opportunity will greatly promote the Yunnan Province holiday hotel industry development. But as the famous tourist resort, Yunnan Province in the resort hotel development still exist many problems and shortcomings, especially the unsatisfactory quality of service. Service is the lifeline of the resort hotel, is related to the hotel’s survival must improve service quality, improve the satisfaction in order to obtain a better development.This paper first describes the research background, and describes the purpose and significance of the study, and the related theory to do the research and analysis. On the basis of theoretical analysis, in Yunnan Province compared with a representative type of Holiday Hotel- Kunming intercontinental hotel as the main research object, for the hotel and catering service, front office service and room service quality present situation analysis. The empirical research is based on the characteristics of Kunming Intercontinental Hotel to establish the gap between the expectations of the customer and the managers perceived to the expectations of the gap between the service quality standards, service performance gap, the gap between the actual delivery of services and the gap between the five aspects of service expectations- service quality gap model, and the model designed a questionnaire. Data processing is a combination of service quality gap model analysis of the questionnaire results from loyalty, physical facilities, staff, service efficiency, hotel credit five specific indicators, analysis of management, service quality perception gap, and then find out the main problems in Kunming Intercontinental Hotel service process, and ultimately to establish and improve the hotel service quality management system, training high-quality hotel service quality management team, and the establishment of a sound service quality management system to improve the four aspects of Kunming Intercontinental Hotel service quality improvement and Yunnan province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Resort Hotel, hotel service, service quality
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