The analysis of the electromagnetic scattering character of the compositeconducting and dielectric object has great importance in the practical engineeringapplication, especially has strong requirement in the radar system design, radar targetidentify, remote sensing and measuring, stealth and anti-stealth. But the complexcoupling and materials distribution of the conductor and the dielectric body lead to thedifficulty of long computing time and large storage in this kind of problem. For thisproblem, the paper investigates the modeling and efficient solution method of 3Darbitrary shape conducting object coated by uniform dielectric.The paper introduces the two basic models of the composite conducting anddielectric object, including entire coating and part coating, considering the difference ofthe combination construction and the solution method, and compared the different fastcomputing methods based on surface integral equation.In the first section we recover the procedure of the geometry modeling of the RCScalculation of the entirely coated conductor and found the electromagnetic potentialequations. And the solution of the equations and the settlement of the singularityintegral is introduced in detail. The base of the latter work has been founded. Andcorresponding examples are given to prove the accuracy of the program.In the next part the fast multipole method is presented to speed the solution, andvalidated the accuracy of the PMCHW equation to calculate the RCS of dielectric.The paper introduces the solution of the RCS of the entirely-coated object and part-coated object, and deals with the basic function on the edge of the joint surface of thepart-coated object, and then uses the multilevel fast multipole algorithm accelerating thesolution and reducing the storage requirement in the final two chapters. Thus the surfaceintegral equation has the capability to solve the scattering problem of the electricallarge-scale composite targets. The whole paper gives abundant examples to test theaccuracy and efficiency of the programs. The detailed comparison in MoM, FMM,MLFMA based on surface integral equations in use of solution the electromagneticscattering of entirely-coated objects and part-coated objects and dielectric bodies can educe the conclusion the programs using fast computing method based on surfaceintegral equations has good applicability to most kind of composite objects and goodaccuracy close to MoM.The research in the paper gives a good analysis method to the electromagneticscattering of 3D dielectric body and coated conductor construction, and the programsare transplantable well, and convenient to be optimized to be applied extensively inengineering. In addition, the work gives us a meaningful reference. |