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Packet Source Path Tracking System

Posted on:2005-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G P YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360125967992Subject:Pattern recognition and artificial intelligence
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The weakness in Internet Protocol is that the source host itself fills in the IP source host id, and there is no provision in TCP/IP to discover the true origin of a packet. Therefore, IP traceback has been the most complex work of the network security. Techniques have been developed to resolve the problem, but, to date, no system has been presented to trace individual packets in an efficient, scalable fashion, and can not locate the attacker either.This paper provides a hash and probability based technique for IP traceback that can trace the origin network of a single IP packet delivered by the network in the recent past. And more, we propose a SNMP-based technique for reconstructing the attack path in origin network. We present analytic, simulation and experiment results showing the system's effectiveness. Furthermore, the Network Manage Station with the topology of origin network can almost locate the positon of the attack host.
Keywords/Search Tags:Denial of Service, Spoof IP, IP traceback, Router, Simple Network Management Protocol, Mobile Agent
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