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.6-the Thrt Parallel Robot Kinematics Study

Posted on:2005-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360125454007Subject:Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Kinematics character study of parallel manipulator is a important question of research on the theory and the application of parallel manipulator .According to the engineering practice command of certain military project, architecture design is discussed on a new type parallel manipulator named 6-THRT. Based on the model of the inverse solution, the paper simulates the movement of the hexapod, analyses change law on the velocity and acceleration of the moveable platform. With the numerical method, by optimized coordinate searching method, a calculation method of the workspace boundary and the volume is presented to the workspace analysis and simulation. All the influence parameters on the workspace are discussed in detail. Then, the distribution of singularity points of the parallel manipulator is discussed in the workspace. Finally, Simulation interface is developed, the animation of the structural model shows the kinematic course of the platform in real time.Eventually, some useful conclusions are obtained .The results provide reference conclusion for the design of parallel kinematics equipments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Parallel manipulator, Kinematics character, Inverse solution, Numerical analysis, Workspace, Singularity point, Simulation
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