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Dialogue Teaching, Under The New Curriculum Background

Posted on:2011-10-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G H FangFull Text:PDF
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At the beginning of the 21st century, a curriculum revolution has been being implemented in China in order to complying with the requirements of talents during the process of the abrupt social change. Meanwhile, dialogue teaching permeated into China as a corresponding teaching method, which arouse a unprecedented revolution regarding the teaching aid, teaching ethics, and teaching thoughts.Dialogue teaching refers to the teaching method based on the dialogue, which is proposed in order to break through the traditional teaching methods of "force-feeding" and "monologue". It attaches importance on cooperation and research, claims the return for the human's cooperation spirit and advocates multiply evaluation systems. Dialogue teaching is a complete new method reflecting the teaching requirements of the new curriculum, demanding various educators on different layers researching and practicing.In recent years, there are many Chinese subject researcher making a deep research for the theory of the dialogue teaching and obtained meaningful fruits. But most of them only definite the layer of the theory, lacking implementary research, or caught in a impasse in practice. They aren't able to bring the dialogue into the Chinese teaching class and yield a scientific, systematic, efficient results, causing the almost mature western teaching method "homeless" in China.All of the problems are concrete, practical, and important as well. It demands us research and practice generation by generation. Therefore, it is the critic reason that I choose this topic as my MA thesis.Dialogue theory and its teaching theory, concerning on diverse categories have been researched for a long time both at home and abroad. In foreign countries, many experts, such as former Soviet Union arts theorist, esthete Bakhtin, English physicist David. Brown, Brazil educator Paulo. Freire, German expert Klingberg, illustrated and supplemented the dialogue teaching from different aspects and fields, including philosophy, receptive Aesthetics, constructivism, socialism and pedagogy, which make the teaching theory ripe gradually. In China, in past years, especially, influenced by thoughts the " May 4th new culture revolution ", lots of expert and educator began to research the theory and practice of "dialogue teaching". For example, Tao Xingzhi proposed the thoughts of " unite teaching, leaning and doing" by letting students " liberate mouths" during the process of learning; Professor LiuQingchang proposed the view that dialogue teaching is the response to the dialogue's times spirit in the education field. Professor Zhong Qiquan advocated" the logics of teaching processing focus on improving the communication between the teacher and the students. All of these points of view enrich the thoughtfulness of the dialogue teaching,which would be detailed illustrated in the first chapter.Nevertheless, seen from the whole fields of education, some people, especially those teacher who work at the frontier, still haven't understood the core meaning of the dialogue teaching, and " going on the old road with the new shoes", the dialogue teaching has becomes deaf's ears.Therefore, There would be important meaning to implement the research for such subject according to the proper time and the actual situation. In the process of practice, the research could provide a theoretical guide for the middle school's Chinese teaching at the background of new curriculum, facilitate the present Chinese teaching to go out of the traditional teaching styles. Theoretically, it is helpful for constructing a harmonious, open curriculum systems and providing a feasible theoretic proof and new curriculum concept.My thesis complies with the logic clue from the theory to practice, starting from the teaching theory, grasping the the core concept of the new curriculum, analyzing the present situation of the Chinese teaching in middle school, and the corresponding feasible strategy is presented here, and it has directivity,systematicness, and integrity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum
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