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University Moral Education Curriculum System

Posted on:2007-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y XiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360185976846Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
College moral educational curriculum system is a very important component in College curriculum system. With the further deepening in College reform, College teaching system with curriculum as its core develops slowly, of which the minimum change is College moral educational curriculum. However, every aspect in College has enormous change. Many problems appear in actual life, which have countless relation with College moral educational curriculum. It makes us discuss forward in College moral educational curriculum system.Influenced by Herbart, who is a theoretical delegate of traditional education group, and Kairov' educational thought, who lived in the 1950s in the former Soviet Union, we think there are problems in our College moral educational curriculum system. For example, outmoded guidelines, outdated curriculum content, traditional teaching material and method, overdue appraisal system and so on. Based on the investigation and study, the author proposes several suggestions for the reform in College moral educational curriculum system.Reference to the postmodernism and other modes, as well as practical reflection, the author thinks we should advocate trinity community of theoretical curriculum, experienced curriculum and life curriculum in College moral educational curriculum system. Guided by College theoretical curriculum, we may encourage College teachers to write and design moral educational curriculum teaching material, which results from students' own experiences.Hope trinity community of moral educational curriculum system may inspire reform of College moral educational curriculum.
Keywords/Search Tags:College moral educational curriculum, curriculum system, trinity community
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