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New Curriculum High School Language Research Study Discussed

Posted on:2007-06-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J ZhuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the demand of the new criteria for the Chinese course of high school ", the author of the paper introduces and presents the development of the Chinese research study and expresses the desire to find the effective channel of the Chinese research learning development of high school.The 3 main parts of the Paper are as followns, part 1: The meaning and background of the Chinese research study of high school. Part2:The definition and characteristic of the Chinese research study of high school. Part3:The practise and the development of the Chinese research study of high school.In the beginning of paper has looked back bases and the ideological origins of research learning,and made it clear that the development of Chinese research study meets the needs of times and course reform,at the same time ,the paper has emphasized that it is more significant for the high school students to develop research study by analysing the body and mind' s characteristic of high school students as well as through the influence that development of Chinese research study might make on their healthy body and mind.The second part of the paper has firstly compared " research learning"with "Chinese research study" , " Chinese research study" with "acceptable study ", and then defines what is the the Chinese research study of high school, finally the author throws light on the characteristic of Chinese research study of high school.Third part of the paper is about the development of the Chinese research study of high school, the author of the paper states that the Chinese research school represents the requirement of the new criteria for the Chinese course of high school and has explored and discussed how to develop the Chinese research study and as well as what is the influences of teaching assessing on the Chinese research study .
Keywords/Search Tags:Curriculum
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