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Mathematical Topics To Explore Teaching Strategies

Posted on:2007-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360182997461Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The national new turn curriculum reform emphasizes on change of students'learning-style fundamentally. Thus, Inquiry teaching becomes one of teaching methodsinitiated in new curriculum reform, which can change students' dependence andimitation and guide students to begin practice by themselves, independent explorationand cooperation exchange .It is an important way of cultivating their innovation spiritand practice capability .Because of characteristics of this discipline, there is no doubtthat inquiry teaching of mathematics topic becomes an effective way in mathematicsteaching. Thus, in order to expound its essence such as method, principle etc, it isimportant to throw light on inquiry teaching of mathematics topic. The intention of thisresearch covers the following issues: ①Ascertain the implications and characteristics ofinquiry teaching of mathematics topic and find out the theoretical basis. ②Explore theways to implement the inquiry teaching of mathematics topic.Firstly, focusing on "Inquiry" and "Inquiry teaching", the thesis has provided adefinition in significance and characteristics of inquiry teaching strategy of mathematicstopic. What is called inquiry teaching of mathematics topic is a kind of practice actionwhich guides students to obtain knowledge conscientiously and develop ability by usinginquiry method under the teachers' instruction. Its essence is to make students exploreknowledge independently and form their own knowledge framework.Secondly, the author realizes that it is very important to obtain the first material byinvestigating in order to study inquiry teaching strategy of mathematics topic thoroughly.Therefore, on the basis of an extensive reference and the massive experimentalinvestigation, this article analyzes views and errors of teachers and students beforeexpounding implementation of strategy and elaborates the necessity and the feasibilityof implementing this teaching method from the theoretical angle. As a model ofteaching, Inquiry teaching of mathematics topic has its own deep theoretical basis, suchas theory of humanism, Multiple intelligences theory and educational psychology andso on. At the same time, it also manifests the soul of some significant modern learningtheory, including cognitive psychology and constructivism.Thirdly, the thesis discusses how to make inquiry teaching strategy of mathematicstopic into practice in details. It discusses how to implement inquiry teaching strategy ofmathematics topic in concrete teaching actions from the following four aspects bymeans of concrete examples and puts forward the detailed strategical proposals in eachstage.① Establishing inquiry situation and drawing out inquiry topic. ②Forming thesuspicion——the important stage of inquiry teaching of mathematics topic. ③Integrating materials and confirming suspicion.④ Reconsidering the process of inquiryand developing the result of inquiry. Seen from the angle of implementation, the key tothe problem is how to put inquiry teaching of mathematics topic into practice. If thetheory can not be fell on the tangible, it is only the empty talk regardless of its advanceddegree. Therefore, under the guidance of the inquiry teaching strategy of mathematicstopic, the author has made case study for the purpose of making the strategy moremethodical and more concrete, and then making the strategy more controllable. At thesame time, the author also expects that the general mathematics colleagues paysattention to researches of this kind and gives valuable proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mathematics topic, Inquiry teaching, teaching strategy, implement, cognitive structure
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