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Research Study Of The Teaching Model Of Ideological And Political Teaching,

Posted on:2006-01-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J JieFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360182955380Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We  must  change  the  teaching  model  which  is  too  simple  and separates  too  much  from  the  reality  in  order  to  be  adjust  to  the requests  of  the  new  curricular  reform, improve  the  effect  of  politics  classes  and  the  students' general  inner  quality, and  change the  politics  teachers' bland  image  with  cold  heart  and  face , sterile  words, and  old-maidish  sight. Learning  in  investigation  means that  the  students  choose  and  determine  the  special  subject  from  the  nature, society  and  life  with  their  teacher's  guidance, to  get and  use  knwoledge  and  resolve  the  problems  in  the  research. The article  mainly  probes  how  to  use  the  teaching  model  of  learning  in  investigation  for  the  purpose  to  change  the  students' learning style  which  is  simply  to  accept  the  knowledge ;thus  supply the students  with  the  open  learning  surroundings  and  multi-channels to obtain  the  knowledge  and  use  the  knowledge  in  the opportunities  of practice  to  help  develop  the  innovative  spirit  and  the  capability in  practice. The  article  has  elaborated  the  significance  of  using  the  teaching  model  of  learning  in  investigation, analysed the academic basis  of  using  this  model, and  explained  how  to  use  teaching model of  learning  in  investigation  in  politics  teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ideological
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