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On The Love Object

Posted on:2006-06-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H M WuFull Text:PDF
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In our real life, there are many misapprehensions towards the cognition of the object of love. The subject of love and the object of love are always separated, which indicates that the true love of humans, in either its original or ideal sense, has changed in which the subject of love and its object are united. It becomes some kind of undisguised corporeal and pecuniary relation or action of possession.Based upon the certification of the subject of love and referring to the study of the structure and nature of love as the logical starting point, we can define the object of love from such two aspects as the subject and object dimensions and the relation between the subject of love and its object. The object of love is not only the desired, aesthetic object of the subject of love, and even its object of concern, responsibility, and payment. It is also an active subject, the subject of the love of the subject of love, and it forms a kind of dual community in the process of mutual love with the subject of love.The object of love has four essential characteristics: individuality, integrity, aesthetic nature, and the interaction with the subject of love. The object of love has its nature of individuality and this individuality will be consolidated constantly. The object of love can't be categorized as specific characters. It lives in the tension between the body and soul. The unique nature of time of love makes it become the imaginary infinite integrity of the subject of love. It is not only the essential way for the subject of love to grasp the essence of beauty, but also the meaning itself for the living participation and ultimate duty of the subject of love. The movement in which it tangles with and "escapes" from the subject of love makes the relation of love consolidated constantly, although it is not maintained in a calm way.The problem with replaceability of the object of love is an important aspect of love. The irreplaceability of emotion and individualization is no more than a kind of illusion of consciousness. Under such circumstances, on one hand, we should see that irreplaceability can lessen the pains brought about by the puzzlement of existence and make love more substantial and richer; on the other hand, we should understand that the accomplishment of "the manipulation of loss" is the embodiment of one's ability to love and will to live.The liberty of love is the end-result of the study of the object of love. In sense of the associative of love and the nature of liberty, love and liberty are interlaced together deeply. In sense of existentialism, love is subject to the liberty of others and is against absoluteness. In sense of epistemology, free love is the inevitable choice of beauty accompanied with duty. In sense of practice, we should not only know the situation of human's ability to love and the ways to cultivate it, but also understand the paradox in the free practice of love, with the purpose of experiencing a kind of cerulean beauty of free love.
Keywords/Search Tags:love, the object of love, the subject of love
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