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Possession And Existence

Posted on:2006-12-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H F QiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relation between students and knowledge is obtainment and being The obtainment relation includes passive and initiative type. After analysed the aim and the type of obtainment, the auther critisized the passive obtainment of knowledge and the option of earning knowledge for the outer aim . This thesis analsysed the wrong behavior of knowledge obtainment in fundamental education . It is Appealed that educator should value the student's initiative action of knowledge obtainment. The initiative obtainment of knowledge is necessary for children development and important way of inner maturity. Through initiative obtainment of knowledge,students build actively cognitive-structure and form right self-conscious. The highest relation between human and knowledge is for being. The aim of being relation is for the inner development of human and the existence of students. Teachers play important role in the being relation. The existence of students accelerate the effect of knowledge obtainment.This thesis is composed of four parts. In the foreword, it introduced the background and the working in this field, some question in knowledge obtainment is also mentioned in this part. The first part mainly discussed the importance and the way of knowledge obtainment, the level and the evaluate of knowledge master. The being of student is the main idea of the second charter. It includes the notion , the expression and the meaning of being . It draws the basic situation of student's being in schoollife . The necessary and urgency of focusing on the student's being is also expounded . In the third part of this thesis, the author mainly expressed the idea of how to transform fundamental education from knowledge obtainment to emphasis both on being and obtainment.
Keywords/Search Tags:knowledge, student, relation, obtainment, being
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