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The Overall Design Of The Research Study Of High School Language

Posted on:2005-06-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H YuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The overall design of high school Chinese research study is to design the operation procedure of Chinese research study through the point of high school Chinese discipline. The design also analysis the question and need during study, make resolution, try the resolution, evaluate the result of resolution, and improve the design on base of the evaluation. It regards the study goal, content, formation, and resolution as horizontal axis; regards the study phase, step as vertical axis; constitutes the crossed coordination. It is a macro, overall, dynamic design; it also has the overall and governing value during the whole study process of Chinese research study.The overall design of high school Chinese research study is the important step of the research study, is meaningful to the research study. It will do well to make the research study more scientific; fortifies the joint between the theory and practice of research study; helps the teachers to do research study during practice; makes the teachers know the study method better in theory; makes the teachers make the better use of it during practice.
Keywords/Search Tags:Research
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