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Secondary School Biology Innovative Education Research

Posted on:2002-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y L Y F PengFull Text:PDF
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Six parts are inolved in this article. First, the article reviewed the development history of innovative education, introduced the development situation in developed countries, such as the United states, Japan etc, and meanahile, described current flourishing situation of innovative education in China. Second, several major theoretical problems, firmly related to innovative education were discussed, and analyzed, such as the definition of innovation, its objectives, contents and characteristics. In the third part, the significance of innovative education in biology teaching was presented in view of the situation that the importance and necessity of innovative education is widely neglected at present. It is pointed out in this part that the innovative education not only needs the requirements of time of intellectual economy, but also serves as the core of qualitative education. In the fourth part. The principles for innovative education were discussed on the basis of literature both home and abroad.The last part is the research focus. In this part, the approaches to implement innovative education were discussed in details on the basis of fandamental theory of imnovative theory,and the biology teaching practice in the middle school, through a lot of experiments, explorations and communications. It's believed that to train the student's innovative quality involves training the student's innovative consciousness, dynamism, character, knowledge and technique through various channels as class teaching, operating experiments,extracurricular technological activities etc; employing all kinds of effective methods to achieve innovative education; improving the student's innovative quality. Meanwhile, the question of how to appraise the practical results was explored effectively.In the end, five suggestions were put forward on how to carry out innovative education effectively on the basis of practice and research, Firstly, the traditional concept about education should be changed,and the consciousnes of innovative educations should be improved; Secondly, the teacher's quality of innvovative education should be enhanced; thirdly the applicance of modern educational techniques should be strenghtened; fourthly, the current education appraisal system should be changed.and lastly the educational management should be reformed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Innovative
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