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A Study On The Conceptual Learning Of Function

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330452452434Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Function Concept is the learning focus of junior high and also a key point of theHigh School Entrance Exam in recent years. Function Concept is a new challenge forjunior high students, which is also an essential mathematics model in solving someproblems in daily life. The learning of Function Concept in junior high set a solidbasis for students’ math learning in the future.Documentation Method, Investigation Interview Method, ClassroomObservation Method and Teaching Case Research Method are applied in the research.It makes a survey on the students of Grade8in Yunnan University Secondary school,which focuses on class observation, teaching analysis, strategy exploration that helpsstudents to command Function Concept. The research aims on analyzing the factorsthat affect junior high students to command Function Concept and the teachingstrategy that help them to understand it.The main conclusion of the research are: first, the factors that affect junior highstudents to command Function Concept include the abstractness of Function Concept,the transformation of the mathematical language in Function Concept learning, thethought of symbolic-graphic combination, the application of classification discussionand students blank brain for equation and the inequality an Function Concept drectangular coordinate system. Second, the teaching strategy that help the students tounderstand Function Concept are exploration strategy, cooperation strategy,autonomic learning strategy. Third, the teachers are expected to scientifically combineknowledge, thinking, problem solving and emotion to fulfill the teaching goals on thewhole. To be specific, while teaching, the teachers are supposed to pay attention toleading students to get to know and understand some basic thought of mathematicsand also focus on enhance the connection between language points and make it clearthat Function Concept has a leading role. What’s more, the teachers should lay great emphasis on the practice of basic knowledge and skill, arousing students’ awarenessof practice and improving their ability of applying mathematical knowledgecomprehensively.Despite some research fruits, which I hope could be of certain help for my peers,the research still has a long way to go on the exploration of teaching strategy onFunction Concept.
Keywords/Search Tags:function, concept, Function Concept learning, command learningtheory, transformation, investigation
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