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Research On The Development Of Empty Volleyball In Shandong Province

Posted on:2015-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207330431471832Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In this background of post-Olympic era and population aging, our country sports enterprisedevelops fast,and the national fitness activities carries out quickly. To construct a perfect systemof fitness-for-all with Chinese characteristics and improve the level of people’s physical heath,need widely carry out mass sports activities. Elderly sports is an major concern of the importantdevelopment strategy of our country sports enterprise, and the old people’s physical and mentalhealth directly affects the construction of a harmonious society. Therefore, to promote thedevelopment of the elderly sports fitness project is not only to carry out the national fitnessrequirements, but also is the need of building a harmonious society. According to statistics, atpresent, Shandong province, elderly population over60has reached16.72million, is the nation’smost populous province of the elderly. The elderly sports development in Shandong province isurgent. The author, through literature review related to the old balloon volleyball, with thequestionnaire investigation at the scene of the game, and analysis of the questionnaire aboutexpert interview, thinks that the old balloon volleyball movement in Shandong province developsrapidly, and it has the certain development foundation. In addition, the elderly balloon volleyballexercise intensity is low, easy to learn, and it’s a team sports which is very suitable for theelderly fitness exercise with very high value of fitness, entertainment, culture and education.On this occasion of the national balloon volleyball competition for elderly held inNovember2013in Weifang of Shandong province,this article, through the investigation of theelderly in the balloon volleyball (athletes, coaches and referees, and arbitration), objectivelyreflects the present development situation and the problems existing in old balloon volleyballmovement in Shandong province, and puts forward the corresponding suggestions asdecision-making for the management of old balloon volleyball in Shandong province.Investigating from old balloon volleyball activities participants’ characteristics, facilities,activities, sports organization and management of funds, and investigating the participants,coaches and referees and secondary committee members, it makes an analysis of the currentsituation of old balloon volleyball movement developments in Shandong province, and itobjectively reflects its present development stage and the shortage, thus providesdecision-making for the management of old balloon volleyball in Shandong province. The resultsshow that: 1Although the old balloon volleyball movement starts late in Shandong province, itsdevelopments speed is fast and the potential is very huge. With relatively good developmentsituation and certain mass base, the old balloon volleyball movement becomes the important partof mass sports, which can promote the overall fitness. The differences of launching balloonvolleyball movements among regions in Shandong province is large, and the cities to launch aremore concentrated, such as Jinan, Qingdao, Weifang, Yantai, Rizhao, Zibo, Jining, etc, somecities have yet to join l the sport, such as Heze, Binzhou, etc. Most of the players are physicaleducators, conditional retired teachers and workers, etc. They participate in the balloonvolleyball movement in the form of working unit as the main body of sports teams, and thenumber of people participate in is small. The rural elderly didn’t dabble in.2There were no significant gender differences in participants. Most of them are society’sretirees in a wide range of industries, including civil servants, teachers, workers, researchers andmedical staff etc., among whom teachers and workers is the main component of balloonvolleyball players in Shandong province. And all the coaches and athletes have higher educationlevels, mostly college degree or above level, and they have a clear understanding on the value ofballoon volleyball it serves, some still was a professional volleyball player.3Apart form national mass sports, other old balloon volleyball movement are mostlydifferent kinds of volleyball tournament, enterprise sports by autonomous organization. Theelderly sports association has increasingly played more and more big role in game activities,buthas not yet formed a standardized and systematic management system, or a sound trainingmechanism, which leads to the serious lack of coaches, referees both in quantity and inquality.4The participation motivation of the elderly is no longer alone the pursuit of physicalfitness, recreation and making friends is also their main purpose of participation in the sports.This is due to the value of the balloon volleyball itself-collective, entertainment, etc, whichmakes a trend of diversity of their participant motivations.5Balloon volleyball is a new sports event popular with old people, in which the oldpeople takes actively part and most participants every time not less than1hour, exercise4-5times a week, or more. The school ball games, the community square, and stadium of theenterprises and institutions are their main activity places. The participants have low satisfaction about facilities. The sources of funds are mainly by participants themselves, lack of governmentfinancial expenditure and less corporate sponsorship, which goes against promotion andpopularization of balloon volleyball sports.6By Pareto analysis, A factor (main factor) in the development of balloon volleyball inShandong province is the participants’ individual factors, government factors, sites and hardwarefacilities, activity funds, water quality and temperature climate factors of the regional economy,etc. Class B factor (secondary factors) is the level of the coaches and referees, and volleyballculture factors. Class C (the secondary factors) is characteristics of the balloon volleyballitself.Suggestions:1On the basis of the current status of the balloon volleyball movement development andpromotion in Shandong province, physical cultural administrative department and the localgovernments at all levels give full play to its functions, provide the corresponding policy, andpopularize balloon volleyball movement. Make full use of the existing methods such as themedia, and network to increase the propaganda of the balloon volleyball value. And thepropaganda should combine the characteristics of the elderly in Shandong province, strengthendiversification, and strive for the recognition of people thus the formation of certain social publicopinion.2Strengthen the construction of balloon volleyball hardware facilities and the cultivation ofthe coaches. Enhance social of balloon volleyball, seek for more social support, rich balloonvolleyball stadium and other facilities. Make use of sports lottery funds to construct some oldvolleyball venue in sports public places and set up the health test points.3Strengthening the government’s financial support and policy support, it’s suggested thatall kinds of balloon volleyball courses are set in colleges and universities in Shandong province,training qualified instructors and the referee for balloon volleyball, and promote balloonvolleyball better in every city in Shandong province. Continue to strengthen communication ofballoon volleyball development with good city, and introduce positive experience and theory. theelderly4Give full play to the role of sports associations for the elderly, improve organizationmanagement system, strengthen the management of all kinds of competition, promote the standardization, improve balloon volleyball entertaining, and reduce the competitive.5Developing the rural elderly Gas Volleyball, Shandong province is a province with a largepopulation, the vast majority of the residents living in the rural areas, Gas Volleyball in the ruralareas, to enrich the amateur cultural life, improve the quality of the population, to promotethe new rural construction, speed up the pace of the national fitness campaign.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shandong province, balloon volleyball for the elderly, development status
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