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Taiwan's "pan-blue Camp" The Relationship Between Political Parties,

Posted on:2011-06-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360308980412Subject:Scientific Socialism and the international communist movement
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Taiwan's 2000 Presidential Election puts an end to Kuomintang's rule on Taiwan for more than half a century, leading to the first "Party Alternation in Power" in Taiwan's political arena. After the election, Taiwan's political power begins to develop into a "pan-blue camp", including Kuomintang (KMT), the People First Party and New Party and a "pan-green camp", formed by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Taiwan Solidarity Union. The conflicts between two camps lie in the political viewpoints of Taiwan independence or independence and the Provincial Status Contradictions. The pan-green camp, representatives of local forces, takes over the lead of Taiwan authorities; meanwhile, the public give most attention to the pan-blue camp's control on power balance. Due to the confrontations between the two camps on the island, the results and process of the new integration and corporation among the pan-blue camp including KMT, the People First Party and New Party will exert a strong influence on the island's political development.The thesis attempts to study the historical background of the pan-blue camp formation, based on which compares political power and policy advocacy of the parties, meanwhile, analyses the interaction process between the parties of the pan-blue camp in detail. It comes to the conclusion of the essential relations among the three parties from its contradictions and conflicts of interest, and makes predictive analysis of the pan-blue camp's future and direction of the relations among the three parties and the impact on the relations across the Taiwan straits and Taiwan authority.The pan-blue camp is the result of the KMT split. The pre-existence of New Party is the "New Connection". Due to the dissatisfaction with KMT's corruption and pressure from Lee Teng-hui, New Party splits from the KMT in 1993, thus leads to the first division. After Taiwan presidential election in 2000, independent candidate James Soong is unsatisfied with the suppression and limitation from Lee Teng-hui, and splits from the KMT and formed People First Party, which is the second split. Afterwards, in the fight against the DPP, the three parties gradually united; while the fourth nuclear power plant case prompts the three parties formed the opposition alliance, which marks the formation of the pan-blue camp.The three parties share the same origins and the similar ideology and policies, which leads to the overlapping social foundation. Different historical experiences make the three parties hold varied political power at different stages. The demand of political interests makes the three parties adjust policy lines at different times.The thesis attempts to explores the interaction and specific incidents of three parties of the "pan-blue camp", focusing on the historical development and make a series of deeply analyses:the "Constitutional Reform" issue during the integration process, the contradictions and conflicts of interest in the "anti-Chen campaign" issues (campaign to oust Taiwan's embattled "president" Chen Shui-bian) and elections. It makes essential summaries of the relationship among the three parties. According to this thesis, the three parties have the relationships of "Zero-Sum Competition", closely related interests, and "separate in appearance but consolidate inner".In the 2008 presidential election, Taiwan's main opposition Kuomintang (KMT) party wins the island's leadership election by a landslide and becomes the ruling party. The People First Party, New Party and other small parties will continue to "return" to the KMT. The new electoral system of "two votes in one area" accelerates new small parties' deterioration. After the KMT regains the power, cross-strait relations are moving towards the direction of a benign progressive development.The thesis holds the opinion that the pan-blue camp's internal integration accelerated the pace of Taiwan's transition to the "two-party system", the integration of the KMT-PFP and New Party reunites the pan-blue camp, and the KMT will replace the pan-blue camps and struggle with the DPP to replace the pan-green camp. The competition will set up the framework of Taiwan's political party system. The interaction between the "pan-blue camps" helps to integrate power, stable political situation in Taiwan, and contain the powers who advocate 'Taiwan independence", meanwhile, makes a great role in stabilizing cross-strait relations and Taiwan's political situation.
Keywords/Search Tags:pan-blue camps, relationship in parties, cooperation in parties, pan-green camps
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