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Symbiotic Cozy Home In The Field Of Vision

Posted on:2010-03-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the first case of AIDS was discovered in 1981, AIDS has been given worldwide attention. The fear related to AIDS spread all over the world was later replaced by orderly treatment, assistance and support. With the evolution of the global integration and the increasing cost of AIDS medical treatment, local governments as well as medical groups from all over the world have launched quantitative researches on Medicine and Hygiene, compared to which, qualitative research methods that based on social, economic, cultural and psychological factors are seldom adopted. Most researches ignored the fact that AIDS patients have been maintaining a symbiosis relationship with the society, excluding AIDS patients from social living and treating them as a heterogeneity group. Qualitative methods were seldom used on the basis of the cultural relationship and resources of social support network.Based on the Social Symbiosis Theory, the author adopted qualitative research, participated in the study of Anju Town and Junchuan Town in Suizhou, a city in Hubei Province, and interviewed the most important insiders and 29 AIDS patients individually. This paper analyzed the process in which the patients of the above two towns formed the "International society - the Chinese government - organizations in the community - community - individual" social support network.Grounded on the Social Symbiosis Theory, this paper acknowledges that the essence of social support is a symbiosis. It excluded the usage of hierarchy while adopting the theory of social capital, in the analysis of the weakening of the benefits of the disadvantaged groups. The author carefully analyzed the forming of the social support network in the Suizhou case. At the end of the paper, the author criticized the disadvantage of the individual determinism and the hypothesis of profits maximization and created a symbiosis social support network model, as a social support network based on the ideal model of "our" home. On one hand, the goal of this research is to re-construct the social support network which helps the AIDS patients and to prove the legitimacy of the theory of social support and social capital, from the perspective of Social Symbiosis Theory, in order to strengthen the symbiosis relationship between the AIDS patients and different social groups. On the other hand, it hopes to provide adoptable suggestions and experiences for concerning regional governments and social groups, and to do some efforts to the humanized process of the prevention of AIDS in China and the world.
Keywords/Search Tags:Symbiosis Relationship, AIDS Patients, Resources, Social Support Network
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