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On China's Mining Rights To Obtain The Basic Principles Of The System

Posted on:2009-11-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y P JiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360242986167Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present, there are many problems in the field of mining economic and social life. Mining rights is the core issue in the field of mining configuration problem, the field of mining norms depends on the orderly distribution of a harmonious and fair allocation. China's mining right for the Reconstruction is the focus of the revision of China's current legal system on mineral resources. In this paper, the author inspected the system of mineral rights in the history of the world's major resources country, pointed out the existing problems that China's current system of mining rights have. After the investigation and towards the object and reflect, the author confirmed that: the value of the mining rights system is by the state's influence will be the effectiveness of mineral resources in the economic life and play the best in the society life to achieve equitable distribution. The system of mining rights should get the balance between the efficient and equitable. On the current economic development stage and level, China's mining rights system should get a balance between the market mechanism and the state's control.In the above thought, the author summarized the basic principles on the reform of the system of China's mining rights. Including those: the Principle that Paid access, the Principle that Open markets, the Principle that Saturate Value, those three principles is based market mechanism; the Principle that Equal but differentiated; the Principle that the state's legal intervention, and the Principle that unified tax charges, those three principles is based the national macro-control mechanism. These six basic principles will provide the recommendations towards China's upcoming revision to the "Mineral Resources Law".
Keywords/Search Tags:Mine resource, Mining right, Chinese mining right, Mining right obtain system
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