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Economic Policies In The United Front In The Early Days, As The Threshold

Posted on:2008-03-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R HeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360215975618Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
United front always is to serve for realizing party's total route and the general task in the certain historical stage, is important component of party's total strategy. Party's united front work played the extremely important historical role in completing the party's strategic target in each historical stage, during the early period of the founding of PRC, party's central task is to consolidate people's democratic political power, rapidly restore the national economy and develop production. United front work in the early years of the new nation also is to serve for this central task.Since the founding of New China, China has entered a new democratic society, established a regime of united front nature - the people's democratic dictatorship, and gained the political support of the overwhelming majority of the people. New China's social nature and the nature of power in the economic sphere also need to establish a broad united fronted mobilize all positive factors for the economic recovery and development of production services. The formulation of economic policy during the early period of the founding of PRC has followed the essential requirements of the united front. The thought implemented mainly in the economic field in the following areas : economic development, We must establish a leading position in the state-run economy, the party leadership in the field of economic, thereby ensuring the socialist direction of the national economy; Through an objective analysis of private capitalism and national conditions, we have made the policies on restriction and use, making good use of the private economic of all the beneficial nation economic and livelihood of the people, giving full play to their positive factors ,limiting the negative factors, and further promoting the development of the national economy; Through the "Labor benefit" policy to resolve labor-management relations to improve the lives of the working class, the capitalists have also received the corresponding profits. During new China agrarian reform, we have formed a united front of the great anti-feudal based on a starting point to liberate and develop productive forces. Through Isolating the landlord class, uniting middle peasants, neutralizing kulak, uniting all forces that can be united, we have minimized the resistance to agrarian reform and the damage to productivity, and fully mobilized the enthusiasm of the broad masses of peasants to develop production; In the international arena of facing imperialist blockade, We developed actively economic relations with all countries. Firstly, we did business with the Soviet Union; Secondly, we didn't give up economic exchanges with other capitalist countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The thought on the united front in the economic field implementation during the early period of founding of PRC, allowing a variety of economic sectors in the state under the leadership of economic development, have created a harmonious economic environment. By satisfying the economic interests of various groups of the united front, all positive factors, direct, indirect ones, have been mobilized, with the result that protected the economic interests of private economy and political rights and mobilized their enthusiasm for production development. These valuable experiences of the market economy under our current united front work are of great significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:the early period of founding PRC, united front, economic policy
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